llemarie’s weblog

Programming, tinkering – Lionel Lemarié

Project: Musical Caps-Lock Key

Posted by llemarie on November 7, 2007

I posted my first Instructables after I received a comment on my Frankenphones post saying that I should have pusblished the instructions for the headphones.

For this project I took the idea from a Kipkay video and wired a greeting card musical module to the caps-lock key of a colleague’s keyboard, unbeknownst to him, and waited for him to press caps-lock by mistake. Music!

He googled for a virus that plays music on your keyboard, looked for accessibility settings, searched for the source of the Jingle Bells music: is it the PC? is it the monitor? no, it’s the keyboard! This prank is hilarious!

Read all about it on Instructables.

Photos on flickr.

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